Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Movie Reviews

Since a big part of my weekend was filled with movies I will take this time to give my two cents on the ones we saw...

First was Gran Trino with Clint Eastwood....GREAT MOVIE....loved it! If you can handle the language, other than that it had a great message and hit home with us dealing with an aged parent and other sensitive topics. I would go see it again, that's how much I enjoyed it....

Second was The Horse Whisperer....HATED IT! It was almost THREE hours long and drug and drug and drug until I didn't think it was ever going to end. Lots of nice Montana footage, but the story just rambled and took forever to get any where and then it was painful and finally painfully over. I DO NOT RECOMMEND!

The Third and final movie was The Beverly Hills Chihuahua movie. We took all 4 grandkiddling and it was a good movie for adults and kids as well. Some sweet humor and very predictable but was worth the time and effort. We caught it at the Dollar movie so how much better could it be?

Monday, January 12, 2009


Well, as you read this I will be facing the grim reality that I'm back in the saddle again (at work). I tried in vain this weekend to take my mind off of the upcoming inevitable. With a hair cut, helping DD paint a desk, shopping, seeing THREE movies, having lunch with my DS's and their families, attending Church twice on Sunday, having dinner with my DD and husband and last but not least spending a little quality time with my favorite grandmunchkinds!

Life doesn't get much sweeter than this!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Trip to Johnson County

Last week we made a road trip to Cleburne. This is where I was born! I only lived the first years of my life here but have made visits back many, many times to see family. The one thing in all those years that I don't think I have ever done is go inside the Court House on the Square.

Well we had business to do in the County Tax Office so we got to go inside.
And boy, was it beautiful.
I didn't take near enough pictures and even if I had I don't think it would have done it justice.
The inside has lots of marble with very beautiful markings.
Hubby said some of them look like ink blots.
The doors to each office look like vault doors (sorry no pics) and they even have the actual tellers cages in some offices.

Most of the flooring is little tiny octagon and square shaped tiles.
This one is at the entry.
Pretty cool huh?
I guess you could call this a mosaic?

The rotunda has a beautiful stain glass, with lots of blues, golds and greens.
They have painted most of the walls the colors in the stain glass and it really looks nice.

Also notice all the wood carvings leading up the the top.

I'm kicking myself for not taking more photos and at least one of the historical marker outside as it had all the dates and information on the building.

I believe it was built in the early 50's and refurbished in 1968.
I tell you what, I won't just drive by County Court Houses anymore....I'll try to get inside and see the rest of the beauty of them from now on.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Many, many thanks!!!

While I've been on the mend these two wonderful ladies have taken over my job responsibilities.

There is no way I can ever thank them and I know it hasn't been easy. I just hope I can express how much I really do appreciate all they did for me while I was away.
I'm sure their help will make my return as easy as possible.


Friday, January 9, 2009

It's time to go back to work...

This is how I lure my new friends....with cracker crumbs.

And sometimes an occasional suet seed cake.

They are here every morning to greet me from my kitchen window.

Mostly just sparrows, but sometimes a dove, a cardinal or a finch.

And this is the thanks I get....

Bird Poo!!!!!

Luke 12:6-8 (New International Version)
6Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. 7Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
8"I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Temp

My sick leave is winding to a close. Next Monday I will return to work. I ran across these pictures that I intended to blog about but must have forgotten. These were the shoes of my temp. Seems she use to own a shoe store in Atlanta. Everyday that I trained her there was a new and more exciting pair of shoes, until finally I decided to bring my camera to work and get some footage (no pun intended). Enjoy....

I'll never be able to wear heels of this height again so I guess I am left to blog of those who can...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy 3rd Anniversary!!

Our favorite son-in-law and our darling daughter celebrate their 3rd wedding anniversary today!

What a fun three years they have had!!

It doesn't seem like it's been 3 years!!

This year was probably their biggest test as they purchased their first home.....home project.

But they appear to be a perfect match for each other.

We love you guys!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Most Important Meal of the Day

This is my father-in-law. He is 90 years young. He comes to stay with us every third weekend. One of the things he loves is going out to eat breakfast and any other meal. Well, we had him for Christmas, which means on Christmas morning he had to eat breakfast at home.
Lucky for him his last born is a GREAT breakfast chef. (Just ask any of his children)
Check these biscuits out.....he has mastered the recipe from his mother. They are the BEST!

He fried each of us some eggs and fried up a lot of bacon and it was a good day.

Even the little varmints paced the floor waiting for a morsel of this goodness.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Kit Kittredge: An American Girl

What a GREAT movie! I've really been striking out with my picks on Netflix, but with this one I can honestly say I hit at least a run. Hubby and I both really enjoyed this one. When it first came out I wanted to take the grand kids to see it, but it never happened. And I really was thinking when I ordered this one it would arrive while the kids were here for Christmas, but I missed the mark and it came later.

Anyway, as my children all know watching a movie rental is a week long event for their aging parents. One or both of us tend to fall asleep before the end of the movie...thus the next day (or whenever we get around to it again) we fast forward looking for the last place we were conscious at. I've even been know to fall asleep in the theater before!

I wish I could tell you that I didn't fall asleep during this one, but I did. Not that it was boring or not entertaining, it's just what I do. So, this afternoon I did the fast forward routine and finished watching it and it really was good. I love Abigail Breslin who plays Margaret Mildred "Kit" Kittredge a young writer during the Depression that longs to get something she has written in print. Her father leaves to find work in the big city and her mother has to take in a variety of boarders to make ends meet. There is much more to the story, so if you haven't seen it you might give it a thought.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Cattle Committee Meeting

By the way I am known as the Cow Whisperer....

(it's rather loud so you may want to turn your volumn down a bit)

Friday, January 2, 2009

The first day of the New Year...

involved these... and an argument about the distance of 100 yards....
and Hubby proving a point by walking it off....
Seems our first born had a scope put on his Dad's rifle and it need to be sited...

It was VERY windy and we were too lazy to go look at our target (a spray paint can and the bottom of an old blue guitar) at least 100 yards away...

Only one shot hit the guitar and no other holes were received in either the can or the guitar...

I'm quite certain it had to have been one of the shots I fired...but we will never know.I believe it was decided to let someone else "site" the gun as we didn't have much luck...

with the wind and everything else that deterred us.

But it was a nice relaxing way to spend the afternoon of the first day of this year.
By the way we were shooting with the dam to the lake as our backdrop.
I'm just wondering how long before it springs a leak??

Where is Hans Brinker when you need him? Never heard the story?
It's one from my childhood.