First was Gran Trino with Clint Eastwood....GREAT MOVIE....loved it! If you can handle the language, other than that it had a great message and hit home with us dealing with an aged parent and other sensitive topics. I would go see it again, that's how much I enjoyed it....
Second was The Horse Whisperer....HATED IT! It was almost THREE hours long and drug and drug and drug until I didn't think it was ever going to end. Lots of nice Montana footage, but the story just rambled and took forever to get any where and then it was painful and finally painfully over. I DO NOT RECOMMEND!
The Third and final movie was The Beverly Hills Chihuahua movie. We took all 4 grandkiddling and it was a good movie for adults and kids as well. Some sweet humor and very predictable but was worth the time and effort. We caught it at the Dollar movie so how much better could it be?