Today is Memorial Day and I was going to do this post because my sister told me to, but the more I thought about what to blog the more it came to light...
She said I should blog today because it's a holiday and I'm not certain what she meant...
1) I should have more time because it's a holiday or
2) It's a special holiday and I should blog about it. It could be some other reason, but the later reason has made me think.
Spending today doing chores that have needed to be done, running errands, catching those things on sale this weekend, picking up groceries that we were short on for the week.
But, everywhere you look there are the reminders of the holiday.
Memorial Day= to remember those who have sacrificed their life, their time, their love ones for the freedom of every American.
We even hung Old Glory out as a reminder of the day....never forget, never overlook the cost of that freedom.
The freedom of speech and life and all that goes with it.
And as I pulled into the local grocery store this was in the parking lot
It just seem so fitting to me that without the loss of those who have gone on before us this would not be possible...
Of course a lot of the words on this van are not a promotion of war but of peace and who doesn't want peace.
But as we continue on today and everyday, I hope we all are grateful for those who are making the sacrifice for our freedom.