Remember a few post back and I spoke of the farm and the recent addition of a donkey? Well here he is in all his glory.
His name was Johnny, but FIL continues to call him Mutt, which was the first donkey hubby had for over 40 years. This little guy is relatively young so hopefully our children and grandchildren will all be able to enjoy him for awhile.
He's gotten over his shyness and I guess the life as a loner wasn't all it was cracked up to be for him and now he is hanging with the bovine.
He's even coming up the the truck and eating out of our hand now! And if he sees the truck coming he belts out a great big ole donkey bray to say "hello".
Legend says that donkeys didn't have these markings until one carried Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and followed him to Calvary. Distraught by the sight of Jesus on the cross, the donkey turned away but could not leave.
When the shadow of the cross fell on the donkey's back, it remained and has ever after been worn by all donkeys. Check the stories out here or here.
Well, now you've met our infamous donkey Mutt. I'm sure once word gets out our phone will be ringing off the wall. Scouts are always looking for a good donkey for a parade or nativity scene or Easter's just a matter of time I'm sure.
But until then, we better start working on his social skills....
P.S. I stumbled upon this little ornament and I'm sure you will agree that it's a "must have" for my tree this year with our newest addition and all!?!
He's so little!
I'm so glad you found your "ASS". I never have to look for mine, it follows me everywhere! hahaha!
I'd never heard the story about the cross...that is cool.
Love you!
Aww! I can't wait to meet him!
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